“God-box” – the figure of intoxicated, mad old hag in the writings of St John Chrysostom


Słowa kluczowe:

St John Chrysostom, old hag, drunkenness, madness, paganism, trickster


The article deals with the meaning and function of the figure of an old, drunken, and foolish woman in the writings of St. John Chrysostom. The issue is discussed historical, social, cultural, theological, and rhetorical levels. My point of departure is the figure of old, drunken hag making amulets and performing healings. Subsequently, I move to the analysis of wine and madness significance, as well as their theological dimension in early Christian authors. This consequently enables me to reconstruct the rhetorical function of the figure of anus ebria et delirans in the homilies of St John Chrysostom, including its role as the antithesis of Christ and personification of the pagan world.


