Proroctwo i prorocy w islamie


Słowa kluczowe:

Islam, Muhammad, prophecy, Al-Qur’an, messenger


Belief in prophecy and prophets is one of the most important dogmas of Islam. Prophecy is en essential part of human history, Muslims believe that from the beginning of mankind, God has always chosen individuals, prophets, to send them to a specific community, with his words and recommendations. Some prophets are given books with the revelation. People, however did not accept them and did not understand the prophecies. Muslims believe that only the message of the last prophet, Muhammad (d. 632), was understood and properly accepted. He was the last of a line of prophets sent by God to guide humanity, the seal of the prophets (khatam al-nabiyyin), and Islam is the last monotheistic religion. According to Islam, Muhammad received divine revelations through the archangel Gabriel in the years 610−632, and after his death, around the middle of the seventh century, they were recorded in the form of the book − Al-Qur’an. According to Muslims, the Al-Qur’an is the literal and immutable word of God, with his commands and recommendations for humanity. The basis of the concept of prophecy found its way into the Qur’an itself as well as later medieval literature.


