Rozstania współczesnych teologów z Kościołem katolickim. Wybrane przykłady



Słowa kluczowe:

critical thinking and speaking of theologians about functioning and teaching of Catholic Church, various ways of leaving Catholic Church


This article as a voice in the discussion on this crisis in the Catholic Church, which is discussed not only by its critics, but also by its defenders. A visible expression of this crisis is the decreasing number of people who identify with the Church not only their conscience, but also their thinking about themselves and the world around them. They manifest their votum separatum towards the Church in various ways, including by not taking part in its rituals. There are also those who provide thorough justification to their criticism. These include, among others: those who received theological educa­tion and even achieved significant positions in the Catholic Church, but later came to the conclusion that they were not comfortable with the functioning and teachings of the Church and either left it themselves or were excluded from it. I mention here only three examples of such theologians, i.e. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Hans Küng, and Tomasz Polak (Węcławski). There are many more. The ones I mentioned represent not only sig­nificant intellectual figures, but also show various circumstances and reasons for leaving the Church.



2023-12-19 — zaktualizowane 2024-04-09
