Agon bosko-ludzki. Korzystanie z (nie)ziemskiej mocy i światła (boskiej) wiedzy podczas wznoszenia ku niebu obiektów architektonicznych
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
agon, power, mathematics, architecture, menhir, cromlech, obelisk, gothic ca¬thedral, skyscraperAbstrakt
People try with great determination to overcome the border between heaven and earth by erecting vari-ous objects. In antiquity, these objects were typically megaliths and temple towers, in the Middle Ages, gothic cathedrals, and in modern times, skyscrapers that almost defy the laws of gravity. This idea centers around vertical development, the act of surpassing physical boundaries and venturing into the supernatural realm in a symbolic sense. This concept is deeply ingrained in the relationship between man and divinity and serves to represent the constant tension between these two worlds.
Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Henryk Benisz
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