Religioznawstwo w poszukiwaniu swojej naukowości


Słowa kluczowe:

science, religious traditions, continuation and innovation


In this discussion, I will be addressing the question of whether religious stud­ies can be consid-ered a legitimate field of scientific research. A few years ago, it was removed from the list of recognized sciences by government decision-makers. However, I do not believe that this has put the field in a dire situation. In fact, I argue that in the past, such obstacles have actually been beneficial as they have brought recognition to the field from those who treat science and religion separately. This has allowed for entry into academic circles for religious studies. However, the success of the field now largely depends on scholars who conduct research on various religions and forms of religiosity. In this discussion, I present the thesis that these scholars can contribute by utilizing the best practices from the traditions of religious studies while also making changes where necessary in order to demonstrate that it is a dynamic discipline capable of growth. The fact that these changes may create controversy is a sign of not only their imperfections, but also their potential as a research discipline.


