Ruchy fundamentalizmu religijnego: podejścia badawcze


Słowa kluczowe:

religious fundamentalism, religious fundamentalism movements, research approaches


This article analyzes selected research approaches in the study of religious fundamentalism movements. The term research approach refers to a defined and rational way of conducting research. Religious fundamentalism movements are defined as movements seeking to subordinate the sphere of politics to the sphere of religion and selectively restore religious traditions. They have created an anti-modernist political ideology. The assumption was made that in research on religious fundamentalism movements, various research approaches are used, revealing the specificity of the analyzed entities to varying degrees. During the research process, a reference was made to the analysis of scientific discourse. Several research approaches were analyzed, including attempts to define religious fundamentalism and religious fundamentalism movements and indicate the main characteristic features, research within the paradigm of new social movements, comparative studies, and research conducted as a case study.


